Monday, June 18, 2012


My love dances in the rain
It stains my window panes
With my sweetness
Would you like to taste
And have clarity to my desires

My love sways in the cool breeze
It falls down your dream maker
With silent trickles of whispers
Your clairvoyance will run deep
So you can see past the mist

My love dances on the lake
It breaks as it releases the elusive moans
of the pressure that was built up
Would you like to mimic the movements
Of the lakes undercurrents
And pull me deeper into your grasp

My love flows freely like the ocean waves
They rise and rise as the pleasure increases
As the effervescent steam rolls from touches
Of your hands roaming over my lips
And down my thighs
Oh....How futile it is to fight

My love was selective in it's seduction
there is no remorse in it's course
It kissed every inch of you
Tasted the depths of your soul
While inhaling the penetrations of every stroke
That you unleashed
So inclined not to lay idle
There was a fire that ignited
And rose to your hierarchy
As you deduce that it was I that
Set the tides and winds back and forward in direction

My love rocks to and fro on the walls
As the candle light illuminates our bodies
In a love tango, back and forth, up and down
the sounds that are heard, like the humming bird sings
As our bodies were dilapidated from the rain that came down
Your workmanship was crafted like no other
As you left your name embroidered down my window pane...

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